UCI Championships - Gran Fondo

The Gran Fondo and Medio Fondo road races are taking place on Friday 4th August 2023. The routes are detailed below.

You can find more details on the UCI Cycling Championships website

Traffic is expected to be much heavier than normal in the Perth area during the event including on the M90, A90, A85 and A9. There will be road closures and parking restrictions across Perthshire. Full information can be found on the Perth and Kinross Council website.

If you work in Perth or have plans to drive in and around Perth on this day, please plan your journey and leave plenty of extra time. Visit Traveline Scotland to plan your journey using public transport.

Route map for Gran Fondo
Map of Gran Fondo

Gran Fondo Road Race Route
Start times:
 found here
Location: Perth 
Distance: 160.3km
Total elevation: 1,663 metres
Roads affected: The A85 trunk road will be affected and closed between the hours of 09:00 and 12:45 on 4th August 2023. For all other routes, you can view a map with road closure timings on Perth & Kinross Council's website or in list format on this page.

If you are planning to travel to the Perth Show, be aware of road closures and impacts to bus services. 

Medio Fondo Road Race Route
Start times: 
found here
Location: Perth 
Distance: 85.7km
Total elevation: 777 metres

Medio Fondo Route for UCI
Map of UCI Time Trial Gran Fondo

On Monday 7th August, the Gran Fondo Individual Time Trials will be taking place on the A92 in Dundee and Angus. This is a non-trunk road, but may affect traffic on the A90. More information can be found on the UCI Cycling World Championships website. 

If you are not planning to attend the event, you should consider staying closer to home or public transport options to avoid any congestion caused by the event or active travel such as walking and cycling

Family cycling past a loch

Event information on our website is provided to assist road users to plan their journeys and avoid disruption. Where Traffic Scotland do not host events, we work closely with the organisers to maximise your enjoyment by informing you of delays for your journey to and from the event. For information specific to each event, please contact the event venue or organiser. Traffic information for local roads can be found by contacting the local council.