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Traffic to Return to the A83 Rest and Be Thankful

Rest and Be Thankful
21st of October 2024, 12:30pm to 21st of October 2024, 11:59pm

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  • Traffic returned to the main trunk road from mid-afternoon on Monday 21 October

BEAR Scotland will resume convoy operation on the A83 at the Rest and be Thankful from mid-afternoon today.

Traffic has successfully used the Old Military Road as a precaution since 3pm on Friday 18 October, in response to a forecast for heavy rain and high winds.

Ian Stewart, BEAR Scotland’s North West Representative, said: “We took the proactive step to divert traffic using the Old Military Road local diversion route over the weekend period in response to the forecast for heavy rainfall from Storm Ashley.

“Monitoring and inspection of the hillside and the improved weather conditions will enable us to return traffic to the A83 under convoy control.

“The use of the Old Military Road again proved to be very successful, ensuring that residents and visitors could continue to access Argyll throughout the very wet period, keeping the area very much open for business.”

Find more information on the traffic management process at the Rest and Be Thankful here.

How to get the latest travel and traffic information

For full information on roadworks on trunk roads in the north-west and south-east of Scotland, visit the Bear Scotland website.

You can report a defect on the network by filling out this form.

Follow Bear Scotland on Twitter at @bear_scotland and at @SETrunkRoads.