#WearASeatbelt - It's not just you who gets hurt
There’s been a rise in the number of people not wearing seatbelts.
A recent study shows that even a 2% drop in people wearing seatbelts is estimated to result in a 5% increase in fatalities*.
The potential consequences of not wearing a seatbelt are felt by those left behind – they feel the impact too. The assets below are available to use and share to help spread the message on why it’s so important to wear your seatbelt.
Visit Road Safety Scotland for more information.
The consequences of not wearing your seatbelt can be devastating for yourself and other people, including your loved ones.
Wearing your seatbelt while driving is not a choice. If you are caught not wearing a seatbelt you could be fined up to £500. A driver can also be fined for every child under 14 found not properly restrained. Wearing a seatbelt reduces both fatal and non-fatal injuries by 60% in front-seat passengers and 44% in rear-seat passengers.
PACTS: Seat Belts: Time for Action, March 2020